Biology, asked by alihasan900170, 4 months ago

Read the assertion and reason carefully to mark the correct option in question.
a) If both assertion and reason are true and the reason is the correct explanation of the assertion.
b) If both assertion and reason are true but assertion is not the correct explanation of the assertion.
c) If assertion is true but reason is false. d) If both assertion and reason is false.
2. Assertion: In constipation, the faeces are retained within the colon.
Reason : In constipation, the bowel movements occur irregularly.
3. Assertion: A feeling of vomiting precedes nausea.
Reason : Diarrhoea increases the absorption of food.
4. Assertion: In indigestion, the food is not properlydigested leading to a feeling of fullness.
Reason : Indigestion is due to anxiety, food poisoning, spicy food, over eating and inadequate enzyme secretion.
5. Assertion: Absorption of simple sugar, alcohol and medicines takes place in stomach.
Reason : Most of the water is absorbed in the large intestine.
6. Assertion: Glucose is absorbed by either simple diffusion or active transport. Reason : Amino acids are absorbed by either simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion or active transport.
7. Assertion: Chylomicrons are fat coated protein globules.
Reason : Chylomicrons are re- formed into very small droplets called micelles.
8. Assertion: In large intestine, absorption of water, minerals and drugs takes place. Reason : Large intestine secretes mucus which helps in adhering the waste particlestogether and lubricating it for easy passage.
9. Assertion: The oesophagus is a thin, long tube which extends anteriorly passing through the neck, thorax and diaphragm and leads to a ‘J’ shaped bag like structure called stomach.
Reason : Stomach has three major parts – Fundic portion in which oesophagus open, cardiac region and pyloric portion which opens into the first part of small intestine.
10. Assertion: Small amount of lipases are secreted by gastric glands.
Reason : Lipase is also found in pancreatic juice and intestinal juice.
11. Assertion: pH in buccal cavity is 6.8, stomach is 1.8 and duodenum is 7.8. Reason : pH is maintained by HCl in all the places.
12. Assertion: Biomacromolecules have to be broken down and converted into simple substances in the digestive system.
Reason : Biomacromolecules in food cannot be utilized bu our body in original form.​


Answered by heiananthu


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