English, asked by srushtidagwale888, 11 days ago

Read the dialogue given below and fill in the blanks-
3 Marks
Son-: How are you feeling now?
Father: Much better, son.
Son: Are you taking the medicines regularly?
Father: Yes, my dear.
The son asked his father a. ----- then. The father replied that b. --- ------ much better. The son further
asked c. -------- the medicines regularly. The father replied that he has been doing so.​


Answered by TheMoonlìghtPhoenix


The son asked his father a. how was he feeling then.

The father replied that b. he did much better.

The son further asked c. if he was taking the medicines regularly.

The father replied that he has been doing so.

  • Here, the tenses are changed.
  • The pronouns also got changed like how are you feeling now to how was he feeling then.
  • Plus, now is changed to then.
  • Are you changed to If he was and as it was a question, so asked is applied.
  • Gener cases and Universal Truth do not change.


Answered by BrainlyIntelligence


  • a. whether how he was feeling then.

  • b. he did much well

  • c. if he was taking medicines regularly.

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