English, asked by sophiebose2002, 11 months ago

Read the excerpt from Act V, scene iii of Romeo and Juliet.

Juliet: Go, get thee hence, for I will not away. [Exit FRIAR LAURENCE.] What’s here? a cup, clos’d in my true love’s hand? Poison, I see, hath been his timeless end. O churl! drunk all, and left no friendly drop To help me after! I will kiss thy lips; Haply, some poison yet doth hang on them, To make me die with a restorative. [Kisses him.]

Which tragic flaw of Juliet’s character is reflected in this excerpt?

her optimistic way of seeing the world

her tendency to act without forethought

her tendency to act out of vengeance

her carefree way of living life


Answered by aquataglazepd76ne
Her tendency to act without forethought.

sophiebose2002: are you 100% sure?
aquataglazepd76ne: Yes, I am.
Answered by Serinus

The tragic flaw of Juliet’s character which is reflected in the above excerpt is:

her tendency to act without forethought

After knowing that Juliet had died Romeo wanted to enter the tomb in which Juliet laid dead desperately. When he discovers Paris he asks him to get away from the tomb, but he didn't leave the tomb. Paris and Romeo indulge themselves in a fight in which Paris is killed by Romeo. He takes Paris into Juliet's tomb and then drinks the poison. When Juliet awakes, she finds Romeo dead after which she too stabs herself with a dagger.

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