English, asked by leahmae012404, 11 months ago

Read the excerpt from Bjornson's THE FATHER ( German short story) answer the questions that follow.

For three days and three nights people saw the father rowing round and round the spot without taking
either food or sleep; he was dragging the lake for the body of his son. And toward morning of the third
day he found it, and carried it in his arms up over the hills to his garden. It might have been about a year
from that day, when the priest, late one autumn evening, heard someone in the passage outside the
door, carefully trying to find a latch. The priest open the door and in walked a tall, thin man, with bowed
form and white hair The priest looked long at him before he recognized him. It was Thord.-adopted

What type of conflict is apparent in this excerpt of the story? ?
A, Character's struggle against nature.
C, Characters' struggle against an antagonist.
B, Character's struggle against society.
D, Struggle between competing elements within the


Answered by ankit73422


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