English, asked by castaned723, 5 months ago

Read the excerpt from the beginning of Chapter 5 of Little Women, by Louisa May Alcott. "What in the world are you going to do now, Jo?" asked Meg one snowy afternoon, as her sister came tramping through the hall, in rubber boots, old sack, and hood, with a broom in one hand and a shovel in the other. "Going out for exercise," answered Jo with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "I should think two long walks this morning would have been enough! It's cold and dull out, and I advise you to stay warm and dry by the fire, as I do," said Meg with a shiver. "Never take advice! Can't keep still all day, and not being a pu$$ycat, I don't like to doze by the fire. I like adventures, and I'm going to find some." Why does Alcott most likely begin the chapter with character dialogue?


Answered by uttambera538


Sorry I know this poet Louisa May Alcott but don't know this story.

Answered by richardemiles4


I believe the answer to your question is D.

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