English, asked by sans3144, 1 year ago

read the extract carefully and answer the following questions​



Answered by ramkrushnamurmu58


  1. No. The poet is not praising the wind in the second stanza.Poet is describing the power of the wind. Then he says to the wind to look at the destruction that it had done.  Whenever there is a strong wind all the thing that are weak, like small plants, tiny children, etc., they all get scared and they can even fall and get hurt. We can say that in the initial part of the poem, the poet is referring to wind as a young child. He is saying that it should come softly just like a small child does. In the later part, we come to know that the wind is destructive just like a youth.
  2. The last four lines of the poem carry an important message that the strong people emerge stronger and victorious in the face of adversities. We must make ourselves strong like a burning fire which grows and flourishes in the violent wind, we also prosper in the face of challenges.
  3. crumbling: falling or to cause something to break.

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