English, asked by 2251takshana, 1 month ago


Trees are for birds .
Trees are for children .
Trees are to make tree house in .
Trees are to swing swings on .

1. Have you seen animals or birds making houses in trees ?
2.Give two examples of trees that have a number of uses in everybody s life ?
3. Why do we make swings on trees ?

4. How are trees useful for birds ?
a) To sit in
b) To build nests on
c) To hatch eggs
d) All of these

5.What are the advantages of the trees for children ?
a) They use trees for furniture .
b) They get money from trees .
c) They speak there swarrow to trees .
d) They can play around trees ,and get fruits ,clothes and books from trees .


Answered by itzvarshini


1. yes.

2. it gives fruits , flowers.

3. to swing.

4. all of these.

5. option d.

Answered by arshifa88


Question 1:

Have you seen animals or birds making houses in trees?


Yes, I have seen many animals making their houses, nests in trees. Female monkeys joyously sit on the branches, pluck peas, beans etc take out the nuts and feed their young ones. They feel a great content in doing so.

Question 2:

Give two example of trees that have a number of uses in everybody’s life.


The two uses of trees are

(i) Sandalwood tree gives sandal that is Considered, Sacred in rituals, worships etc. It gives wood, timber etc. It provides shade to humans, animals and most importantly snakes. It gives fragrance.

(ii) Coconut tree gives a very juicy sweet fruit. Its coir is used to make ropes etc. We get timber from it.

Question 3:

Why do we make swings on trees?


Swinging is an exercise that feels you with a great joy and energises you. Swinging on the branches of a tree is more interesting than any other swings, because it gives fresh air too.

Question 4:

How are trees useful for birds?

(a) To sit on

(b) To build nests on

(c) To hatch eggs

(d) All of these


(d) All of these

Question 5:

What are advantages of trees for children?

(a) They use trees for furniture.

(b) They get money from trees.

(c) They speak their sorrows to trees.

(d) They can play around trees and get fruits, clothes, books from trees.


(d) They can play around trees and get fruits, clothes, books from trees.

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