English, asked by tapaschakraborty1977, 1 year ago

• Read the extract given below and answer the questions
that follow
The air broke into a mist with bells,
The old walls rocked with the crowd and cries
Had I said "Good folk, mere noise repels -
But give me your sun from yonder skies!"
They had answered, " And afterward., what else?"
(1) Who is the speaker of the above lines? Where is he?
What is he doing? (ii) Why did the old walls rock with
the crowd and cries? (111) What does the poet mean when
he says: "Good folk, mere noise repels- / But give me
your sun from yonder skies!"? (iv) What according to the
narrator would have been the reply of the people to his
demand? (v) What does this extract tell us about the
narrator's opinion about himself?​


Answered by vimleshagarwal2341


how much big answer my friend

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