English, asked by BGBMANTHAN, 5 months ago

Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow in not more than 20 words–

Without a word he would leave me retiring whence he came, or into the other portion of the shop, and I

would continue to rest in the wooden chair inhaling the incense of his trade. Soon he would come back,

holding in his hand a piece of gold-brown leather. With eyes fixed on it he would remark, “What a

beautiful biece!” When I too hard admired it, he would speak again. “When do you wand dem?” And I

would answer, “Oh! As soon as you conveniently can.” And he would say, “Tomorrow fordnight?” Or if

he were his elder brother: “I will ask my brudder.”

(i) Why was the narrator inhaling ‘the incense’?

(ii) What was ‘a beautiful piece’ for the German shoemaker?

(iii) What would have been the reply of his brother?

(iv) What was the accent of shoemaker and his brother?

(v) Give the meaning of ‘whence’.​


Answered by rimshairfan844


I think 3 is the correct answer

Answered by devanshimallick40


the narrative was inhaling the incense of his trade because the shopkeeper has gone out

a golden brown leather was a beautiful piece for German Shoemaker

the reply of the brother is "I will ask my brudder"

the accent of the Shoemaker and his brother is German

the meaning of whence is "from which,from where".

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