English, asked by 11x13varunkumar, 1 month ago

Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow What does he plant who plants a tree ? He plants cool shade and tender rain, And seed and bud of days to be, And years that fade and flush again; He plants the glory of the plain; He plants the forest's heritage; The harvest of a coming age; The joy that unborn eyes shall see- These things he plants who plants a tree. (
(ii) What social and ecological value of planting a tree is? mooK ON TREASURE TROVE:​


Answered by devindersaroha43



The poet imphasizes the importance of planting a tree, saying that it benefits the plains , providing shade and helping in precipitation . The tree provides shelter to animals and birds also , provides rich substances as resources for the use of future generations . Thus, the one who plants a tree , indeed plants these .

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