English, asked by p0594634, 5 hours ago

Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: 16 Portia: That he hath a neighbourly charity in him; for he borrowed a box of the ear of the Englishman, and swore he would pay him again when he was able; I think the Frenchman became his surety, and sealed under for another.
1. Why does Portia say in the above given commend? About whom she speaks? What is the special nature of the person?
2. Give the names of the two suitors mentioned by Portia just before the extract. Give at least one special character of each of them.
3. Which of the suitors in this extract is disliked by Portia the most? How can you prove it?
4. Why does Portia get ready to receive The Prince of X-ENGLISH LITERATURE 1 Morocco? How does Portia describe him?
5. Why does Portia refer Sibylla and Diana after the extract? Who are they? How are they compared to Portia?
please answer all questions​


Answered by tarunrahav

Answer: PORTIA


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