English, asked by dainikrashifal, 9 months ago

Read the extracts given below and comment on the difference in the nature of help both

the characters, of these two stories, received.

a) Suddenly I came out of the clouds and saw two straight lines of lights in front of me.

It was a runway! An airport! I was safe! I turned to look for my friend in the black

aeroplane but the sky was empty. [The Black Aeroplane]

b) All through the night Lencho thought only of his one hope: the help of God…The fol-

lowing Sunday, at daybreak he began to write a letter…It was nothing less than a let-

ter to God...The following Sunday Lencho came a bit earlier than usual to ask if there

was a letter for him…. Lencho showed not the slightest surprise on seeing the mon-

ey, such was his confidence. [A Letter to God]​


Answered by amitsinghrajput49


Write a program that shows the formatted retail price of shirts when there is a 15% markdown. Test the program by performing a compile time initialization with an item labeled “Open Collar Running Shirt,” which has a wholesale price of $41.00. How much savings is expected with the markdown? Display appropriately labeled retail and markdown values for the shirt. Once you get that running, go back into your source code; add lines of code that will reassign the memory location’s values for a Razorback T-Shirt, which has a retail price of $36.00. Add additional lines of code, which will display the new item’s information along with the previous item. What happens if the markdown goes to 20% or 10%? Also, Write Pseudo Code/Algorithm and Draw Flow Chart for This Problem.


brainlieas dena or thanks

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