Science, asked by aomar409, 2 months ago

Read the false statement.

In an organism with more than one cell, some cells must burn food molecules to produce energy in order to survive.

Which option correctly rewords the false statement so that it is true?


Answered by Avvs21


Therefore the correct answer for this option B and C


Anaerobic respiration is done by the organisms which live in a condition with very little oxygen or no oxygen at all such as some of the bacteria and prokaryotic organisms.

Also the cells in the body of a multicellular organism when they are used for extreme physical active where the body may not be able to provide oxygen to each and every cells. For example muscles of arms and legs while excriseing

In anaerobic condition the glucose molecule will undergo glycolysis where it is broken down to 2 molecules of pyruvate wilt the net gain of 2 ATP after which dur to unavailability of oxygen the pyruvate will under go lactic acid fermentation or alcoholic fermentation where the pyruvate molecule is converted to lactic acid or ethanol & carbon dioxide respectively with the regeneration of NAD for the continuation of glycolysis.

Prokaryotic organisms perform this type of respiration as they do not have membrane bound organelles like mitochondria which is required for the competion of the aerobic cellular respiration.

Also some of the aerobic respiring cells can survive in no oxygen condition for sometime by respiring this way. But they are usually under a stressful condition where they cells will not grow or divide as they whole energy will be focused on conserving energy and surviving.

And prokaryotic organisms which mostly have cellular level of organisation or a single celled they are provided with immediate burst of ATP by breaking down glucose by glycolysis.

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