Read the following dialogue and report the following to complete the sentences:
Father:Rahul, how was the Interview?
Rahul: I have performed well. There were nearly a hundred candidates.
Father: Are you confident that you will get the job?
Rahul: The board members are friendly. They will let me know the result in two days’ time.
Father asked Rahul how his interview had been. Rahul replied
a) ____________________ nearly a hundred candidates. The father wanted to know
b) _______________________ the job. Rahul replied that
c) ___________________________ result in two days’ tim
Answer:follow me
The father asked his son (a) _how the interview had been.
The son replied that (b) __he had performed well and there had been __ nearly hundred candidates
The father wanted to know (c) __whether __he would get the job.
The son replied that (d) __the board members were friendly __ and said that
(e) _they would let him know __ the result in two days' time.
The correct answer of the given passage is as follows:-
The father asked Rahul how his interview had been. Rahul replied that there were nearly a hundred candidates. The father wanted to know about the confidence level of getting the job. Rahul replied that the board members were friendly and would inform him of the result in two days' time.
- When a verb wants to act on the topic of a sentence, it is said to be in passive voice.
- When a verb is in the passive voice, it indicates that something is done to the person or thing denoted by the subject.
- When a sentence is written in the active voice, the subject performs the action, whereas when it is written in the passive voice, the subject receives the action.
- The passive voice is used to express interest in any person or object that is subjected to an action rather than the person or object that performs the action.
- When we switch from indirect to direct speech, we use the reporting verb as'say' or'said,' and we remove conjunctions like that, to, if, whether, and so on.
- In direct speech, we use quotation marks.
The above-mentioned passage is one such example of direct and indirect speech.
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