English, asked by jmkawina, 5 hours ago

Read the following essay and drag and drop the correct concepts to label the different parts of an essay. [Introduction] [background information] [Objectivity] [Body] [paraphrase] [Conclusion] [Accuracy] [supporting sentence] [linking word] [topic sentence] [tentativeness] [direct quotation] [example] [Thesis statement] [general statement}

An explanation on the relationship between test anxiety and academic performance.


[___________] Typically, universities use examinations to test part or even all the knowledge of students. As Burns (2004) noted, examination results can determine if a student passes a course or can progress onto further study. [____________] Understandably, educators are concerned that examinations are a fair indication of a student’s knowledge. One area of special interest is the role anxiety plays in relation to examination performance. [__________] This essay argues that in general, test anxiety lowers performance slightly. Further, it is argued that the main mechanism for this result appears to be that test anxiety leads to the development of interfering thoughts, which prevent a proper focus on examination tasks.


Test anxiety is normally understood as a form of debilitating anxiety. Early research indicated there were two forms of test anxiety: facilitative and debilitative. Facilitative anxiety is understood as a type of anxiety that students recognise as being helpful. For example, students answer positively to a question such as “Nervousness during a test helps me to do better” (Alpert & Haber, 1960, p. 213). Facilitative anxiety helps students succeed and has been found to be present in students with better results in tests of all kinds (Hembree, 1988, p. 59). However, since the 1960s, it is debilitative anxiety that has come to be called ‘test anxiety’. It is defined by Sarason (1984) as the anxiety experienced in “one important definable class of threatening situations, those in which people are evaluated” (p. 929). Following from the work of Liebert and Morris (as cited in Hembree, 1988, p. 48) test anxiety has generally been examined in terms of ‘worry’ or ‘emotionality’, or some extension of these. Worry covers the worrying thoughts that interfere either with examination preparation or with the processing of examination tasks.

[____________] Evidence points to the fact that, in general, test anxiety lowers performance slightly. This relationship has been studied for well over 60 years. [__________] For example, Hembree (1988), after analysing 562 studies of test anxiety, concluded that for all students at all levels of education including university,Direct quotation “test anxiety harms performance” (p. 75). Accuracy More recent research involving university students has provided additional support for the earlier findings. [___________] In a large study of 5414 undergraduate and graduate students at three American universities, Chapell et al. (2005, pp. 270–1) similarly found that test anxiety was significantly negatively correlated with Grade Point Average for undergraduate students. Those who had low test anxiety received an average of a B+ grade, while the students who had high test anxiety received a third of a grade lower, on average, with a B.

[____________] However, in some specific situations examination results are not negatively impacted by test anxiety. Despite the general agreement about the negative relationship between test anxiety and achievement, the issue is, in fact, more complex (Burns, 2004, p. 121). [__________] When the examination is less threatening, the impact of test anxiety is lower or even absent. Eysenck (as cited in Tobias, 1990, Cognitive capacity and drive theory section, para. 3) summarised the evidence for the relationship between task difficulty and anxiety and found that anxiety tended to facilitate performance on easy tasks and hinder it on difficult tasks. Paraphrase This is supported by Hembree’s (1988, p. 56) claim that test anxiety does not affect performance in elective courses at university, probably because students experience greater ease in dealing with the material in courses they choose themselves.


The impact of anxiety on examinations has been very closely studied for a long time. There is general acceptance that debilitative anxiety negatively impacts examination performance slightly and that it undermines a student’s ability to recall previously learned material. However, this essay also shows that not all examinations are impacted by anxiety. [________] Test anxiety appears to have its greatest impact in difficult examinations and in earlier years of a degree program. While the question of anxiety has been studied for many years, it is still an important issue to consider as its presence does mean that a student’s knowledge is not fairly assessed during an examination.


Answered by SGamerz


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