English, asked by avniaggarwal2809, 11 months ago

Read the following extract and answer the questions:

Balls will be lost always, little boy,

And no one buys a ball back. Money is external.

a. Why does the poet say, ‘’Balls will be lost always’’?

b. Why does he say that no one buys a ball back?

c. What does the poet mean by ‘Money is external’?

d. Identify a figure of speech in the above extract.
Class 10 English
The Ball Poem
Please Give Answer In 3 Marks Question Each .
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This Question Is Of 12 Marks ...
Each Part Is Of 3 Marks.....
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Answered by mittalgarima2007

a) The poet says that balls will be lost always. Balls here means the things which we possess and love a lotb. According to the poet , these things will not remain with us forever . One day we will lose them like the boy lost his ball .

b) The poet says so because no one can buy the ball back because it is lost . He means to say that money cannot compensate for the sense of loss .

c) The poet makes the boy understand about his responsibility as the loss is immaterial . Money is external as it cannot buy memories , nor can it replace the things that we love , the things that really matter .

d) In this phrase, the literary device used is called apostrophe. It is not the apostrophe (punctuation mark i.e. ‘). It is a figure of speech and a type of metaphor in which the poet addresses a person who is either absent from the scene or dead. In the poem, the poet is addressing the little boy who is physically not present there .


Answered by Anonymous


  • the poet says that balls will be lost always because nothing is permeant in life. We will give and lose things and so he wanted the boy to learn to cope up with the feeling of loss
  • He says that no one buys a ball back because, once we let things go, there is no probability that it will come back again
  • The poet says money is external because it cannot buy us things like happiness, time, pleasure etc
  • alliteration because b sound is repeated. metaphor because ball is used as symbol for life
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