English, asked by Abhishekmu, 2 months ago

Read the following extract and answer the questions that follows

1. You'll do better next time or you'll lose your place in the side!

a) Who is the speaker? b) Who is "You refer to? c) Why did the speaker say so?

2. My visits to the North eastem state showed me our untapped potential",

a) Whose visit is referred to here? b) Name the North Eastem state visited by him?
c) What is untapped potential according to him?

3."I am not wanted in your house"

a) who is referred to as 'I' b)Where was the speaker? c)What did the speaker demands?

4.But when youth, the dream,departs, It takes something from our hearts.

a) What is 'It' refer to in the above line ? b) What is the figure of speech used in the first line?
c) Name the poem and the poet

Guys please help me from these questions​


Answered by riavnisingh16

Where is the extract??

How can we answer dear?

plz do upload it!!

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