History, asked by tanmaytak8978, 1 year ago

Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow :
‘‘The British element is gone, but they have left the mischief behind’’
Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel said :
It is no use saying that we ask for separate electorates, because it is good for us. We have heard it long enough. We have heard it for years, and as a result of this agitation we are now a separate nation ... Can you show me one free country where there are separate electorates ? If so, I shall be prepared to accept it. But in this unfortunate country if this separate electorate is going to be persisted in; even after the division of the country, woe betide the country; it is not worth living in. Therefore, I say, it is not for my good alone, it is for your own good that I say it, forget the past. One day, we may be united ... The British element is gone but they have left the mischief behind. We do not want to perpetuate that mischief. (Hear, hear). When the British introduced this element they had not expected that they will have to go so soon. They wanted it for their easy administration. That is all right. But they have left the legacy behind. Are we to get out of it or not ? CAD, Vol. V
(15.1) With reference to the extract, identify the reasons for the introduction of ‘Separate Electorate System’ by the Britishers.
(15.2) ‘‘The British element is gone, but they have left the mischief behind.’’ Analyse the statement of Sardar Patel
(15.3) Interpret the plea of Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel for united India.


Answered by rekhay934


The Constituent Assembly of India met in the Constitution Hall, New Delhi at

Ten of the Clock, Mr President (The Honourable Dr. Rajendra Prasad) in the



Mr. President: I propose that the House should now take up the Report of the

Advisory Committee on Minorities.

With regard to the, procedure that I propose to follow, it is this: A motion

will be made for consideration A the Report and in that connection I find

there are certain resolutions in the form of amendments that the consideration

of the Report be postponed either until the next Session or until the

consideration of the other Report, that is, the items which they have been

considering, has been completed. I shall take those amendments along with the

general discussion of the motion for consideration of the, Report. When that

has been disposed of I propose to go to the Appendix and take the items one by

one with the relative amendments to those items, because that will then

dispose of many of the amendments which are relevant to the general body of

the Report which only summarises the recommendations contained in the

Appendix. I think that will be the proper course and the most convenient way

of dealing with the matter.

Mr. B. V. Kamath (C. P. and Berar: General) : The loud speaker must be out of

order because we have not heard a word over here.

Mr. President: In that case I shall. have to repeat. What I have said is that

the most convenient way of dealing with today's agenda is this I propose to

take up the consideration of the Report of the Advisory Committee on

Minorities. A motion will be made for taking it into consideration. In that

connection there are certain other motions of which I have notice that the

consideration of the Report be postponed until the next Session or until we

have disposed of the items on the List which we. were considering yesterday.

After this, I propose to go on the Appendix of the Report and take up each

item. The relevant amendments, to those items will be moved and disposed of,

and when we have discussed the Appendix we may come to the general body of the

Report which is nothing but a summary of what is contained in the Appendix.

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