English, asked by vishalkumarsisodiya8, 5 months ago

Read the following lines of the poem and explain in your own words.
"And broken land with useless dust
And nature's beauty behind bars.
if the​


Answered by tarvinder0703


The poem tells us what goes on in the world, the speaker is afraid of the future, he is sad about what the humans done with our earth and describes the consequences of  people careless attitude. The writer doesn't write in a special poetry language so you easily understand what he wants to say, his indirect appeal to all the people is that they have to care for our holy world, we have to do something for the environment and not destroy it. Maybe you already can feel and see the effects but in a few years you ONLY feel and see the effects, maybe there isn't a beautiful sunset or a big, green forest anymore. There is only pollution, smog and poison where you look around, no clear wonderful sky or pure nature! No! All over are electronical things, which produces toxic gases, and pollution, no nice trees or cute animals any longer. The poet thinks of his prospective children what they will see whether they'll see the same world or only the bad remains of it. He asks himself when the time will come when the nature is dead, when the plants died, the animals became ill and when you can't watch the phatastic sunsets anymore because of the smogs. In his last paragraph he directly says what to do, he says that the problem is gigantic and we really have to secure our environment with all our appliances.


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