English, asked by mukeshkumar877047, 10 months ago

Read the following passage and answer the questions given

below : 5

Success in your life depends largely on good health. Keep

your body fit by cleanliness, fresh air, regular habits and

[ 4 ] D–3082

suitable recreations. Make yourself strong to play games and

do it in every sense of the word. Avoid anything that will sap

your strength. Smoking in your youth stunts the body and

clouds the brain. Be temperate in all things and beware of

drink. It is the deadly enemy of health and efficiency. Above

all, remember that your character is a priceless possession.

Therefore keep it untarnished. Be truthful in all things,

courteous and considerate to everybody, fair to your rivals,

kind and helpful to all who are weak and suffering, and do

not be afraid to have the courage to stand up for what is

good, pure and noble.

Questions :

(i) How can we maintain good health ?

(ii) What things should we avoid ?

(iii) What kind of character should we develop ?

(iv) What are the qualities of a good human being ?

(v) Give a suitable title to the above passage.​


Answered by maina7750


1. eat healthy food and exercise everyday

2. We should avoid bad people an things

3. We should develope a good character

4. We are the only creatures in this world who has a active brain

5. Our life

Answered by kirtikachakraborty


(i) Keeping body fit by cleanliness,fresh air,regular habits and suitable recreations. Making ourselves strong by playing games. Being helpful towards weak and suffering people ,  can give us good health.


(ii)Things we should avoid are :

  • Anything that will sap our strength.
  • Smoking in our youth as it stunts the body and clouds the brain.
  • Tarnishing our character as character is a priceless possession.

(iii)  We should develop a character where we are truthful in all things, courteous and considerate to everybody, fair to rivals,kind and helpful to all who are suffering and weak. A character where one is courageous  to stand up in support of good,pure and noble.

(iv) Qualities of good human being are:

  • Helpful,kind ,courteous and considerate
  • Truthful and courageous.
  • Having good health and healthy eating habits.
  • Must have good character.

(v) Title of the passage should be "Characteristics of a Good Human".

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