English, asked by tp2637727, 3 months ago

Read the following passage and answer the questions given below:
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson were very happy. They lived in a little house near the town.
They did not have much money, but they were not poor. They loved each other
very much. There was only one thing about which they did not agree. Mr. Johnson
liked to buy old books. Whenever he passed a shop which sold old books, he went
in and bought some. He came home with one or two more books nearly every
day. There were bookshelves on the walls of all the rooms in their little house.
Now the shelves were full. There were books on the floor and on the tables and
on the chairs. For a long time Mrs. Johnson said nothing. She loved her husband,
and she knew he liked to buy these old books. But one day she was tired of dusting
them, so she said, 'Why don't you sell some of these books? You will never read
them all.' 'No, I don't want to sell them,' her husband said, 'I like to see them on
the shelves. The books look beautiful when the firelight shines on the old leather
Mrs. Johnson did not say any more. But everyday there were more and morebooks, until one day she became very angry. Don't bring another book into this
house,' she cried, 'or I shall go away and leave you.'
Mr. Johnson was very sorry about this, so for three or four days he walked quickly
past every shop selling old books and did not look inside. Then one day he was
walking down High Street, past the best bookshop in town, when it started to
rain. He hadn't an umbrella, so he went into the shop to get out of the rain and
there on the counter was a small, brown, leather book with gold letters on the
cover. It was just the kind of books he liked best. He picked it up and read the
name, 'The River Amazon'.
How much?' he asked the shopkeeper.
"Five shillings
So Mr. Johnson bought it, and as soon the rain stopped he returned home.
forgetting about his wife's threat. When Mrs. Johnson saw another book coming
into the house she was very angry.
I told you I won't have another book in the house,' she said. She took the leather
book from his hand and threw it out of the window. Mr. Johnson looked out into
the garden and saw the beautiful book lying on the wet grass. B.Complete the following sentences with information from the text:
Whenever Mr. Johnson passed a shop which sold books, he..................................................
ii) Old books look beautiful when...................................
II) On the counter of the best book shop there was a small.........................
iv) Mrs. Johnson took the leather book from her husband's hand and....................​


Answered by anonna74


1.he went in and bought some

Answered by jhomapoli

Old books look beautiful when

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