English, asked by tstuff518, 9 months ago

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. Refer to
the text to check your answers when appropriate.

In this age of texts and tweets, it is easy to
send messages. You just press a few buttons,
and boom! Your message is sent. The person
to whom you sent it will get it in just a few
seconds. Distance is no longer an issue. But
things weren't always so easy.
In 1848 gold was found in California.
Thousands of people rushed there to get some.
Many people liked living there and decided to
stay. But there wasn't a whole lot between
California and Missouri, where the nearest
trains ran. The train line to California wasn't
finished until 1869. It took a long time to ride
a horse to Missouri.
Imagine that it is the year 1860. You have
moved to California to open a shop. Most of
your family stayed back East. Your shop is
doing well and now you want to your family to
join you. How do you get news to them?
There's no phone, no train, and you can't leave
your shop for too long. What do you do? Well,
you could use the Pony Express.
In 1860 and 1861, the Pony Express was the
the fastest way to get news to and from the West.
The trail that they rode was around 2000 miles
long. It took most people weeks or months to
ride that far. The Pony Express could make the
trip in just ten days. Those speeds were
unheard of at the time. So how did they do it?
Well, they had a good system.
The Pony Express had 184 stations along the
trail. The stations were around ten miles apart.
This is about how far a horse could run at a
gallop before tiring. The rider would switch to
a new horse at each station. He would only
take his mail pouch with him. Every 75-100
miles, the rider would get to a home station. At
each home station, riders would rest. Before
resting, he would give his mail pouch to a new
rider. The mail never stopped moving, even
while the horses and riders rested.
It was tough to ride for the Pony Express. Each
rider had to weigh less than 125 pounds. Speed
was the key. Most of the riders were teenage
boys. They rode at a fast pace for up to 100
miles a day. If there were an emergency, one
might have to ride 200 miles in a day. The ride
could be rough and dangerous. Attacks by
Native Americans were common. But in its
time running, the Pony Express only lost one
mail pouch.
The Pony Express filled an important role for a
time, but it did not last. The Civil War started
in April 1861. This was bad news for the
owners. The worst for them was yet to come.
On October 24th, 1861, the first telegraph line
to California was finished. This linked them to
the rest of the country. People could send
messages in an instant. Two days later the
Pony Express closed. But the lore of the brave
riders lives on even today.

1. How was the Pony Express able to move letters across the country so quickly? Refer to the text in your answer?

2. How did the California Gold Rush help to create a need for the Pony Express? Use the text to support
your response?

3. Why was the Pony Express no longer needed? Refer to the text in your answer?


Answered by psjain

Explanation: Pony Express method of delivering

  • The Pony Express was the  quickest mode of passing on the news to and from the West.
  • The Pony Express would cover a distance of about 2000 miles at a reasonable time through a unique system.
  • There were 184 stations which were around 10 miles apart.
  • The horse would cover a 10 mile distance at top speed before getting tired.
  • The rider and the horse were changed at each station.
  • After every 75 to 100 miles the rider would get a home station where he would take rest and pass over the mail pouch to the new rider.
  • Since most of the riders were young they rode fast at times upto 100 miles a day.

Need of Pony Express

  • In the year 1848 when gold was found in California many people rushed there to get a hold of it.
  • Many people started living there leaving their families in East.
  • The train lines to California was not completed till 1869 as result it took a pretty long time to reach Missouri with the help of a horse.
  • It was difficult for someone who has a shop in California to get in touch with their family members as there were no train,phone etc.
  • This led to the introduction of Pony Express which was the fastest way to get news to and from the West.

Decline of the services of Pony Express

  • The Pony Express was an integral part of daily life.
  • The Civil War of 1861 brought bad news for the owners of Pony Express.
  • On 24th October 1861 the first telegraph line to California was finished which linked them to the rest of the country in quick time.
  • People could send messages instantly.
  • On 26th April the Pony Express finally closed.

Hope this helps.

For further details follow the link below.


Answered by pushpaniranjan626


for solv the question for my students

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