Read the following passage and write a précis in your words : (5 marks)
Organic farming is the form of agriculture that relies on ecological processes,
biodiversity and cycles adapted to local conditions. Organic farmers ensure soil
fertility with the help of crop rotation, compost and other biologically induced soil
amendments. A healthy soil structure increases its ability to hold water and the
plants become better equipped to resist diseases and insects and there is no
need to depend on synthetic fertilizers, synthetic pesticides, plant growth regulators,
livestock feed additives and genetically modified organisms, all of which are
extremely harmful to the plants as well as human beings who consume them.
According to the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements
: ‘Organic agriculture combines tradition, innovation and science to benefit the
shared environment and promote fair relationships and a good quality of life for
all involved... ...” In India, the Green Revolution, which was water intensive and
involved a heavy dose of chemical fertilizers, has not been a boon. Many farmers
have seen the effect of chemical farming, soil erosion and loss of soil nutrients,
loss of nutrition in food, and human diseases resulting from the chemicals
that seep into the water table.
But organic farming is often hard for the farmers who have to invest
considerable time, energy and resources to regenerate the soil and reestablish
the delicate balance between soil, water, air, animals and plants. Further, the
lack of support in maintaining such a balance makes the products more expensive,
putting the burden on the consumers who choose to eat healthy
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Paragraph focuses on benifits of organic farming.
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