English, asked by gunn2008, 5 months ago

Read the following passage carefully
1. One of heaven's best gifts to man is humour for it adds pleasure to life, both in health and sickness, and help to promote
good feelings among people in their daily dealings with one another. Think for a moment what life would be if there were no humour or wit in the world, no laughter, no fun. Now, humour is not the same thing as wit. Wit is concerned chiefly with words, while humour deals rather with situations, a man may be witty and yet possess much humour. Humour is much larger and profounder than wit. Nearly
the greatest writers have the gift of humour
2. But like the pleasurable things of life, wit and have their
dangers and three of the commons are those of being vulgar, unkind and profane. In other words, those who use gifts of wit and humour must avoid vulgarity, must see that they do not hurt the feelings of
others, must be aware of jesting about sacred things. The only way
in which you can acquire the right taste for what is good in the world of wit and humour is to read good examples, of which there are many in literature. Shakespeare is a mine in himself and so is Dickens.
Answer the following questions briefly
(1) What does humour do for man?
(2) What would life be if there were no humour or wit 7
(3) How is humour different from wit?
(4) What are the three common dangers of wit and humour?
(5) How can one acquire the right taste for what is good in the world
of wit and humour?
Answer the following questions:
(i) The synonym of profounder is
(b) more serious
(d) clearer
(ii) The antonym of vulgarity is
(a) profanity
(b) baseness
(d) nicety​


Answered by ggooglbaba


1)humour adds pleasure to life, both in health and sickness, and help to promote

good feelings among people in their daily dealings with one another.

2) If humour would not have been there the the life would have no laughter, no fun.

3)Wit is concerned chiefly with words, while humour deals rather with situations, a man may be witty and yet possess much humour. Humour is much larger and profounder than wit.

4)three common dangers are those of being vulgar, unkind and profane. In other words, those who use gifts of wit and humour must avoid vulgarity, must see that they do not hurt the feelings of

others, must be aware of jesting about sacred things.

5)must be aware of jesting about sacred things. The only way

in which you can acquire the right taste for what is good in the world of wit and humour is to read good examples, of which there are many in literature.


i) clearer

ii) profanity

hope it helps

Answered by aroradanesh843


(a) friends (b)risks (c)vulgarity (d) familiarity

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