English, asked by ramitgoel, 1 year ago

Read the following passage carefully:
An era, a culture is eventually determined by its news. What is missed out by those who track the news of that time is lost forever. We know nothing about Shakespeare’s contemporaries even though some of them may have been better playwrights. We know nothing about those who came in with Babar, or around the same time, to loot India and stayed back as rulers. Or the many soldiers of fortune who landed here during the time of the East India Company. We know of a few and, apart from avid historians, no one knows who led the Portuguese, Dutch or French into India or ran their empires here till they were dismantled. Why is that? Simple! The media of that time, known as historians, did not mention them.

We who consume news today see it as a fleeting experience. We observe a powerful image on TV, are moved by its impact or repelled by its horror, and move on. We read a headline today and can’t even recall it tomorrow. Current news always drives out the old (often with ruthless cunning) and It’s only when the media goes back in time to recall a particular (7 story that we suddenly remember that, yes, there was something called HDW or Bofors that once shook up the entire nation and held it in thrall for a decade. We are suddenly reminded that Congress treasurer LN Mishra was mysteriously killed in a bomb blast on a train and no one ever knew who killed him or where his secret millions vanished.
Since I’m a journalist I can tell you many such stories. There are others too, full of stories. But, like news, the stories die with them. History only remembers what it chooses to, or what is indelibly stamped on its pages. The rest is occasionally recalled as gossip. But is it gossip? Or is it truth that we are trying to forget so that we can move on and make space in our hearts and minds for more recent news? Our memory, collective as well as individual, has limited storage and however many data cards we may insert, there’s simply too much to absorb and retain. The information surge that hits us every morning is so large, so intimidating that we remember only a tiny fraction of it. It’s that fraction which actually scares us by the possibility of impacting our lives.
The gap between news and entertainment was always sacrosanct. News was about facts. Entertainment was about imagination, ergo fiction. To see them occupy the same media platforms today is scary for those like me who have spent a lifetime pursuing facts in the search for news. Even the dividing line has blurred. What we once shunned as preposterous lies slip in so casually today into our news menu. It’s no one’s fault. It’s just that the fault lines have shifted. News has become just another consumable, another platform to commercially (and cynically) exploit. No, don’t blame our journalists and media owners. They are only following a global model that, for better or for worse, is making our times an entirely forgettable chapter of history.
(a) On the basis of your reading of the above passage make notes using headings and sub-headings. Use recognizable abbreviations where necessary.


Answered by pesh20gathoni




1. TITLE : Problems of News media.

  • Consumption of news: Fleeting experience

Powerful image today : will be forgettable tomorrow

New news driving out old news

(a) Bofors, HDW come in memory after some news story .

(b) L N Mishra : Nobody knows why he was killed, secret millions vanished?

  • Unknown figures :

(a) Shakespeare’s contemporaries : Unknown

(b) People coming with Babar : Unknown

(c) No knowledge about people : came during East India Company’s landing

(d) Who led Portuguese, Dutch or French in India?

No description by media or historians of the period

  • truths are forgotten :

(a) Forget loads of data

(b) To move on

(c) remember fraction of informtn. surge

  • Gap between news & entertainment
  1. Before

(a) News: fact

(b) Entertainment: fiction

     2. Now

(a) News: fiction

(b) Entertainment: fact

Answered by tyrjjyrsdtjhyt


From Me to Kalpa Bali:  (Privately) 10:32 AM

mam what r doing today

From Noorpreet kaur 11-E to Everyone:  10:37 AM

yes mam

From Me to Kalpa Bali:  (Privately) 10:40 AM

Problems of news edia

From Kalpa Bali to Everyone:  10:42 AM

news- fact or fiction adequate news- major problem  News-What's seen Is unseen  

From Me to Kalpa Bali:  (Privately) 10:43 AM

Who came and when?   Ancient media

From Kalpa Bali to Everyone:  10:45 AM

1. ancient media -       a. many unknown facts  

From Me to Kalpa Bali:  (Privately) 10:45 AM

Unknown figures : (a) Shakespeare’s contemporaries : Unknown  (b) People coming with Babar : Unknown  (c) No knowledge about people : came during East India Company’s landing  (d) Who led Portuguese, Dutch or French in India?  No description by media or historians of the period

From Kalpa Bali to Everyone:  10:46 AM

     I Shakespeare’s contemporaries : Unknown  (b) People coming with Babar : Unknown  (c) No knowledge about people : came during East India Company’s landing  

From Me to Kalpa Bali:  (Privately) 10:47 AM

Truths that have been forgotten

From Kalpa Bali to Everyone:  10:48 AM

2. Truths that have been forgotten  2. The Lost Facts  

From Me to Kalpa Bali:  (Privately) 10:50 AM

old news- lost facts history remembers what I chooses

From Kalpa Bali to Everyone:  10:52 AM

3. History only remembers what it chooses to 3. History- The chosen Figures        a.history are truth in old news   a.  truth in old news  ???  

From Me to Kalpa Bali:  (Privately) 10:53 AM

unknown figures

From Kalpa Bali to Everyone:  10:53 AM

b. fraction of information 4. welcome to global model news

From Me to Kalpa Bali:  (Privately) 10:53 AM

gap b/w news and entertainment  first line

From Kalpa Bali to Everyone:  10:54 AM

 4. gap b/w news and entertainment      a. news n entertsinment - fact /fiction


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