English, asked by tamboskardeepa25, 24 days ago

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions set below:

The most popular teen band was coming to town and both Alex and his twin sister
Amanda really wanted to go to the concert. They had never been to the concert because their parents rule was that one must be in the sixth grade to go to a concert! Alex and Amanda were only in fifth grade. Their two older sisters had both been to concerts before and always talked about how great it is to experience live music After about a week’s time, their parents brought the subject of the concert up at dinner. They said that they would reconsider their rule about attending a concert with a couple of conditions. Alex and Amanda were thrilled. They both jumped up from the table to hug their mom and dad. “You are the best!” they screamed as they hugged their parents.

a. Which word in the passage is similar in meaning to ‘rethink’.​


Answered by progenius46


reconsidered is another meaning of rethink

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