Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow :
I saw heaps of plastic (cups and foam plates) being burnt at the Trade Fair. Chemicals and toxins were released in the air —
you could smell the foul odour from a kilometre. The fire shouldered on for hours, releasing poisonous fumes slowly in the air.
Then I stopped in my tracks when I saw hot, boiling tea being poured into a plastic bag to be carried to a nearby construction site.
They pour the tea into plastic cups and then casually threw away all the plastic! How convenient.
From a highway dhaba to a high tech conference like the prestigious IFFI, tea and coffee are usually served in plastic cups.
Gone are the china cups, glasses, and, of course. the clay kullad. Plastic is in.
Unknown to all, it can be very costly not only to our environment but also our health.Another culprit is that Dal Makhani in a
plastic bag or thermocol foam tub delivered at your doorstep from the local takeaway. Often we reheat it in the plastic container
in the microwave. Again, very convenient.
But these cheap plastic containers are made for one time use only. Not for reheating food in them. Light weight poor quality plastics
are especially vulnerable to chemicals leeching out when exposed to heat. Food high in fat should never be reheated in plastic as the fat
absorbs the chemicals.
In the USA, foam food containers and plastic containers for food takeaways are being substituted by paper containers. Research coming
. from Japan warns us that when heat and plastic combine, chemicals or toxins can be leeched into the food. Dioxin is one such tox
in that one has to be wary of. It is known to cause damage to the immune system, cause Diabetes and even Cancer. This Dioxin can
never be flushed out of our system. It accumulates in our bodies. It gets stored in the fatty tissues and can play havoc.
So what is the safe alternative? Wax coated paper cups are safer although paper too contains chemicals and of course safest is the
good old fashioned chai in a glass tumbler, the plebian steel or the clay kullad. Food should be heated in steel or glass. It is best to use
microwave safe crockery which is free of plastic or lead (contained in many pottery items).
Of course, plastic is a wonderful invention. It is practical and indispensable today. Hospitals and modern medicine rely on plastic
syringes, intravenous sets, pipes, tubes, catheters. In surgery, shunts placed in arteries and hip and knee joints are replaced by hard
ened plastic parts.
Plastic has to be used intelligently and disposed off even more intelligently. Whether it is disposing off, hospital waste or garden
garbage, we are callous and unthinking. People find it hard to dispose this very bulky waste. Every garbage dump, gutter, drain,
is choked with plastic. Even if every part of the country has a proper waste diposal system, the quantity of plastic waste wil be unm
anageable. Disposal has become a huge issue. We have to have safe recycling units.
One possible safe way to dispose off plastic bags is to shred it and mix (melt, not burn) it with tar and layer the roads that are being
constantly built. Kilometers of roads criss crossing the country can absorb the plastic waste.
Schools too can show the way. Not only should they inform and educate the school children but have good practices. Children can be
encouraged to collect plastic bags which can be stuffed into gymnastic mattresses. Thousands of plastic bags will be used in this exercis
e. I am sure people can come up with many such ideas once they make up their minds.
A. On the basis of your reading of the above passage, make notes on it using headings and subheadings. Also use recognizable
abbreviations, wherever necessary (Minimum 4). Supply a suitable title.
B. B. Write a summary of the above passage.
Answered by
hope it helps you ....
the above pic is the answer of question A
answer B Plastics cause death
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