English, asked by prajapatimayank702, 2 months ago

Read the following passage carefully and on the basis of your reading answer the questions given below it : If money comes in slowly at first, do not be discouraged. It is a long lane which has no turning, and if it happens that money at first comes easily, do not spend it all but lay up some for a rainy day, remembering that good lanes have their turnings as well as bad lanes, and that as time goes on, you will probably have more and more demands on your purse. Many a man in business has been ruined by being too fortunate at first. Do not be in a hurry to get rich, "If", says Ruskin, "You do not let the price command the picture, in time, the picture will command the price." So don't be over anxious about money. Though, few can make large fortunes, any one with industry and economy may make a livelihood. We often hear of riches not honestly come by, but the fact is that poverty is seldom honestly come by either. The poor are not those who have little, but those who want much. QUESTIONS : (a) Suggest a suitable title to the above passage. (b) Explain the underlined portions.(c) Give a summary of the passage.(d) What is real wealth? (e) Why should we save money?​


Answered by huzefa3637


come on no one will read that much

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