English, asked by kishor150, 5 months ago

Read the following passage carefully:
Science and technology not only dominate the psyche of humanity but also the whole biosphere. How does science influence civilisation and how is it related to human happiness. The Original, cosmic evolution of the biosphere was one that promoted, supported, nourished, sustained and enhanced life. Life went on adding to the evolution with never species and ecosystems, even more beautiful and vibrant than the ones before. Our biosphere accommodated a pleasant weather cycle and climate system to support these newer species, keeping everything in dynamic equilibrium. Now the biosphere is overburdened and ailing. Some of our ecosystems have already collapsed, while others are at death's door. Ever increasing pollution coupled with over exploitation of natural resources and greenhouse gas emission is driving several species towards extinction. This is not a phenomenon that has occurred by itself, and neither has it been caused by, human beings alone. But it definitely has been spurred so-called advances in technology. In this millennium, we no longer live in a, biosphere – we are inhabitants of a techno sphere. A techno sphere is an impaired biosphere that has no affinity with values neither of life nor with sustainability and evaluation of life. Although technology had civilization, it has also reduced it to being a mere toll of science and technology. And when the whole civilization turns technocratic, science and technology are bound to dominate, causing life to shrink. The intensifying climate crisis is but a symptom of the biosphere's illness and life's gradual collapse. We've reached a point where we are intolerant of anything remotely "unscientific" in our contemporary world. Scientists look for alternatives, but even these solutions are sought in the same domain that has caused these problem. In short, we are stewing in a soup of our own making. So, what would be meaningful for the welfare of humans? Naturally something that would enhance life, serve to integrate ecosystems and cleanse our environment. Enhancement of life includes betterment of human life and vice versa. If life shrinks, we cannot blossom. . Science and technology by themselves are neutral; it is the way we use them that has either a positive or negative impact on our lives and environment. And when we use science in a manner that increases un-sustainability and unhappiness in our lives,how can we rely blindly on science for our happiness.
2.1.Read the given questions and write the answer in about 30-40 words.(2*4=8)
a. How did the biosphere evolve over a period of time?
b. How has this equilibnum got disturbed now?
c. What is the difference between biosphere and technosphere?
d. Man needs to use 'science and technology' in a sensible manner. Explain.​


Answered by mad210202

Answers to the given questions from the passage.


a. How did the biosphere evolve over a period of time?

The Original, cosmic evolution of the biosphere was one that promoted, supported, nourished, sustained, and enhanced life.

b. How has this equilibrium got disturbed now?

Ever-increasing pollution coupled with overexploitation of natural resources and greenhouse gas emission is driving several species towards extinction.

c. What is the difference between biosphere and technosphere?

The biosphere can be defined as a global ecosystem composed of all the biotic and abiotic organisms.

A technosphere is an impaired biosphere that has no affinity with values neither of life nor with sustainability and evaluation of life.

d. Man needs to use 'science and technology in a sensible manner because all the resources present in the Earth and biosphere have a limited life span and any burden on them may prove fatal to human beings like some of our ecosystems. Advances in technology should not have a negative impact on the ecosystem.

Answered by satyajitjena22233344


human life and vice versa. If life shrinks, we cannot blossom. . Science and technology by themselves are neutral; it is the way we use them that has either a positive or negative impact on our lives and environment. And when we use science in a manner that increases un-sustainability and unhappiness in our lives,how can we rely blindly on science for our happiness.

2.1.Read the given questions and write the answer in about 30-40 words.(2*4=8)

a. How did the biosphere evolve over a period of time?

b. How has this equilibnum got disturbed now?

c. What is the difference between biosphere and technosphere?

d. Man needs to use 'science and technology' in a sensible manner. Explain.

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