English, asked by harshdeepharshdeepka, 3 months ago

Read the following passage:
Man and his works are two different things. Whereas a good work should call forth the
approbation and a wicked deed gets the disapprobation always; the doer of those works
whether good or wicked, everytime deserves the respect or pity as the case may be. 'Hate the
sin and not the sinner' is a preception which is rarely practised despite it has been well
acknowledged throughout; and that is probably why the poison of hatred would spread
our world so easily.
The form of 'Ahinsa' (non-violence) is one of the basis of seeking for the truth. I am realising
everyday that my search goes in vain unless it is founded on 'Ahinsa' as the basis of its ideal.
is quite proper to resist and attack a system but to resist and attack its authoris tantamounta
resisting and attacking oneself. For we are all tarred with of the same brush, and are the
children of one and the same creator and this is the reason for the divine powers within us are
infinite as well. To slight a single human being is to slight those divine universe powers and
thus it is not only doing the harm to that being but with him who created the whole universe
On the basis of above passage, answer the following questions:
1. Give a suitable title for the above passage.
2. Explain the portion in bold letters in your own words.
3. Summarise Mahatma Gandhi's views on 'Ahinsa'as elaborated in the above passage.

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