English, asked by guptaumas99, 2 months ago

Read the following passages and answer the given questions briefly:

1. I impressed the fact upon George and Harris and told them that they had better leave the whole matter entirely to me. They fell into the suggestion with a readiness that had something uncanny about it. George spread himself over the easy-chair, and Harris cocked his legs on the table.


(a) Who is the speaker?

(b) What fact did he share with George and Harris?

(c) How did they react?

(d) Find a word which means 'strange/weird'.

plz give me proper answer
if the answer is correct I will mark you BRAINLIEST answer ​


Answered by vanshdixit07


Hey, Here is your Answer brother or Sis.


a)Douglas James

b)George and Harris were, in fact, much worse than Jerome as they set about packing. They fumbled and blundered many times while packing the hamper. They broke a cup at the outset and then squashed a tomato which had to be scrapped off with a spoon and stepped on the butter.

c)Confident of his presence of mind and his ability to keep his cool in a difficult situation, Gerrard remained unruffled on being threatened by the Intruder. He remained so calm and nonchalant that the Intruder was irritated. His sense of humour also enraged the Intruder

d)Frequently Asked Questions About strange

Some common synonyms of strange are eccentric, erratic, odd, outlandish, peculiar, quaint, singular, and unique.

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