English, asked by tyagiaarav960, 5 hours ago

Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions that follow

1) Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel both

And be one Traveller, long .

I stood.

And looked down one as far as I could.

a) What does the poet mean by "yellow wood".?

b) For what the poet is feeling sorry?

c) Did the poet keep standing there for a long time? Why?

d) What is the regret of the poet?

2) Took the other, just as fair,

And having perhaps the better claim,

It was grassy and wanted wear...."

a) what does" the other" referred to here?

b) Explain..." Just as fair"

c) "the better claim". What better claim did the other have?

d) What is the poetic device used in the above lines?

3) And both that morning equally lay

In leaves no step had trodden black

Oh, I kept the first for another day!

Yet knowing how way leads on to way,

I doubted if I should ever come back

a) Explain: "Leaves no step had trodden black."

b) Why is the poet not sure whether he will ever come back to the first Road?

c) "if I should ever come back." Why would the speaker like to come back?

d) what is the rhyme scheme of above lines?

Short answer type questions: (answer in 30 to 40 words only)

1) Does the poet seem happy about his decisions?


Does the poet regret his decision? Why/ why not?​


Answered by AMRGOD


1)a)by yellow wood the poet means an autumn forest

b)he is feeling sorry as he could not travel both

c)yes the poet kept standing there for a long time as he could not decide which road to travel

d)the poet regrets that he could not travel both

2) a)here the other means the road which was rarely used

b)just as fair in this context means that both the roads are equal and there is  no difference between them

c)the better claim is that the road he took could be the better one


Answered by anne45


1. a) 'Yellow wood' refers to the leaves that have turned yellow-orange in color due to the autumn season.

b) The poet feels sorry for not being able to travel both the roads which means that he feels sorry for not being able to choose one road to travel or a choice to make.

c) The poet stands there for a long while to make his decision by choosing one of the roads front of him as a choice. He takes a long while because he doesn't want to make a wrong choice.

d) The poet regrets that if he chooses a road to travel on further he would not know where the other road would have led him.

2. a) here, the "other" refers to the road that many travellers didn't go on as opposed the the first road.

b) "just as fair" refers to the other less travelled road being as viable a choice as the first one.

c) "the better claim" means that the other road had an advantage of not been travelled on as much as the first one hence proving to be a more adventurous path.

d) alliteration is the poetic device used in "wanting wear"

3. a) "leaves no step trodden black" means that both the roads were equally less travelled upon.

b) The poet is not sure if he would come back to travel on the first road as be believes that he will be satisfied with where the second road leads him.

c) The poet would like to come back to know what the first road would have lead him to due to the feeling of curiosity.

d) poetic device of metaphor is used to relate the topic of a traveler in woods to the difficult decision we encounter in our life.

1) The poet seems happy about his decisions knowing that the road he chose to travel on would lead to him to a place he would like to be in but at the same time he feels regretful that he would probably never have the chance to return and experience the beauty of the path of the first road.

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