English, asked by maithilpatel, 1 month ago

Read the following poem and The questions in One answer 4. performs its sentence each : The Frost ministry Secret Unhelped by any wind. The owlet's cry Came loud - and hark, again 1 loud 1 as before The inmates of my cottage, all at rost. Have left me to that solitude, which suits Abstruser musings : save that at my side My cradled peacefully infant slumbers It's calm indeed! so calm, that it disturbs And VEXC'S meditation with its strange And extreme silence ... Questions : 19. What is the secret ministry of the frost? 50. There is silence all round. Which phrase in the poem suggests this? 51. Who is sleeping in the cradle? 52. What is the solitude suitable for?​


Answered by crankybirds31


"This phrase fro the poem "A Photograph" means that the mystery and truth of the death of the poet's mother makes her very sad. This pain due to her mother's death makes her silent and brings an environment of silence."

Answered by pavanadevassy



1. the frost from the title means it's freezing stuffs at midnight , this is what its secret ministry is. The fact that the frost is doing its job at midnights when everyone in the village is asleep makes it seem fairly secret, hidden under the cover of darkness.

2. there is silence all round , the line: 'tis calm indeed! so calm, that it disturbs and vexes meditation with its strange and extreme silentness' suggests it .

3. his baby son (the infant) is the only person in the same room who's sleeping in the cradle.

4. the solitude suits 'abstruser musings' because abstruse ideas and concepts are by definition hard to understand. Its quite understandable that coleridge can have a conversation with himself have a little ' me time'.


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