English, asked by tejasvi1629, 8 months ago

Read the following poem carefully and answer :
I hear leaves drinking rain;
I hear rich leaves on top
Giving the poor beneath
Drop after drop;
'Tis a sweet noise to hear
These green leaves drinking near.
And when the Sun comes out.
After this rain shall stop.
A wondorous light will fill
Each dark, round drop;
I hope the Sun shines bright;
I will be a lovely sight.
-W.H. Davies
åOn the basis of your understanding of the poem answer the following questions by choosing
the most appropriate option:
a) The expression leaves drinking rain suggests that
i) rain falls on leaves
ii) rain drops make the leaves wet
iii) leaves seem to be absorbing the rain iv) leaves enjoy the falling of rain
b) In the line, "Giving the poor beneath the poor refers to leaves. They are called poor because.
i) they are below some other leaves
ii) they are wet because of rain
iii) they do not like getting wet
iv) they receive lesser amount of rainfall as compared to those above
c) The rain will stop when
i) all the leaves get wet
ii) the leaves growing underneath will get plenty of rainfall
iii) when the sun would come out iv) when the wondorous light could be seen
d) It would be a lovely sight to see
i) the rain falling
ii) wondorous light
iii) the sun shining
iv) the leaves getting wet.
e) Wondorous light would be light which is
i) dull ii) dazzling
iii) flickering iv) bright and beautiful​


Answered by yadava02748


.H Davies is an English poet born in 1871 in Wales.He left school at a young age. He lived a number of years as a peddlar and a beggar in USA and England (Europe) .

His father died when he was only three years old.He admitted at the age of Nine in Temple School and then in the age of 14 in Alexandra Road School.

He lived with his grand father because his mother re-married after death of his father. His grandfather helped him in study.He died when Davies was 14 years old. After schooling he worked in a workshop as picture making.

In 1893 he went to America and travel many places in seven years .He crossed Atlantic seven times.In a serious accident by train he lost his right leg.Rest of life he spend in London.That's why his poetry was full of sadness. His first poem name was "death" His first book of poetry was "The Soul's Destroyer", which was published in 1905.

In 1923 he married 23-year-old Helen Payne. He was a great poet.He loved nature . In his real life he liked to walk on the bank of river.Davies was a profelic poet. Main theme of his poetry was nature and hardships of poor.He is lover of life and made new worlds of pleasure by his poetry.He was awarded the degree of doctor from university of wale.Many of his poems were given music. He died in 26 september 1940.

The Rain (Poem)

I hear leaves drinking rain;

I hear rich leaves on top

Giving the poor beneath

Drop after drop;

Tis a sweet noise to hear

These green leaves drinking near.

And when the Sun comes out,

After this Rain shall stop,

A wondrous Light will fill

Each dark, round drop;

I hope the Sun shines bright;

'T will be a lovely sight.

Explaination of poem(The rain)

In this poem the poet describes a great phenomena of nature; rain. The poet says that he hears the leaves which are drinking water of rain and it is nice to hear when the drops of rain fall on the leaves. But on the other hand, he is very worried about the poor man who is sitting under the tree. He has nothing except the shelter of leaves and he is shivering with cold. The poet says that this rain shall stop and the sun will come out. It will shine brightly. Each dark, round drop will be filled with light.

It will be a lovely sight. In this poem the poet describes a universal law of nature. No doubt, there is pleasure after sorrow and sorrow after, pleasure. Time always does not remain the same. There, is a change at every moment. Everything is advancing towards its destiny. Rainy day can be enjoyed in different ways. The children, elders and poet can enjoy rainy day in their own ways. Especially in warm weather, when there is a rain everyone feels pleasure and likes to enjoy the rain. The children can enjoy playing cricket, football or hockey in the rain. It gives much pleasure to play in the rain. But the poet can enjoy ' the rainy day in his own way. Because he observes nature and its objects with keen interest and explains it in terms of poetry. Davies says that the musical fall of rain appeals him. It also troubles a person beneath the tree at the same time. The appearing of sun after rain presents a delightful scene. The rainwater makes the trees, plants and leaves fertile and productive. Therefore, the ; leaves are rich because they are full of rainwater. When the poet hears the rain falling on the leaves he feels ultimate effects of rain and calis the upper leaves rich. After the rain stops, the sun comes out and its bright rays fill the dark round drops of ' water with beautiful light. The bright drops present a beautiful scene. Therefore, when the sun rises after the rain the whole atmosphere presents a beautiful sight. The poet hopes that the weather will change.

If it is cold now, then after sometime the sun will come out and it will be a lovely sight. It is a natural phenomenon that there is sun after . rain, pleasure after sorrow and good days after hard days. That is why the poet expects that there will be a lovely sight after rain. When it rains the upper leaves receive water, become rich and give this water drop after drop to the lower thin leaves.

Therefore, the upper leaves having much rain water are called rich and the lower leaves getting this water from the upper leaves are called the poor. When it rains on the upper leaves it creates soft and sweet voice. The poet calls it a sweet noise. Actually, the poet feels the beauty of nature found in rain water by hearing it as a sweet noise.

The rain creates delightful feelings in the hearts of people. When it rains, rain drops produce sweet music. The sun shines after rain and presents a beautiful sight. In this 1 way rain creates joy and pleasure in the hearts of the people. Natural phenomena like rain or sun present ! natural beauty, give life, joy and pleasure to plants and humans.

Answered by gajananshinde89252


I hear leaves drinking rain;

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