English, asked by samidhamishra3110, 15 days ago

Read the following sentences and choose the best adjective to complete the blanks:

Adjectives finished in –ed are used to describe

feelings and emotions. They have a passive meaning,

referring to someone or something receiving a

certain action.

Adjectives finished in –ing are used for things and

situations. They have an active meaning, describing

someone or something performing a certain action.

I have just bought a singing parrot. It is so fascinating. I am fascinated by my parrot.

Music interests me a lot. I am interested in music. Music is interesting to me.

1. What an … situation! Are they always having a fight

about every little thing?

a. annoyed

b. annoying

2. I was extremely … to see that the baby knew how to

handle a spoon.

a. amused

b. amusing

3. I am …. , I have stayed indoors for many days, let’s

go out and see a film.

a. bored

b. boring

4. The book was so … that I didn’t have any patience

and finished it last night.

a. captivated

b. captivating

5. You are … because you haven’t been explained what

had really happened there.

a. confused

b. confusing

6. I am more than …, I am extremely worried, why

aren’t they calling us?

a. concerned

b. concerning

7. It is …, how can he possibly eat snakes?

a. disgusted

b. disgusting

8. Seeing them there was too … for me, I should have

listened to your advice.

a. depressed

b. depressing

9. All the children were … to go to the Village Museum

last Sunday.

a. excited

b. exciting

10. Romania is a … country, have you ever visited it?

You will certainly love it.

a. fascinated

b. fascinating

11. Your last remark was very …, John, you know you

are wrong, aren’t you?

a. insulted

b. insulting

12. Sarah was … in painting when she was 15.

a. interested

b. interesting

13. The teacher seemed … when the principle

interrupted him yesterday.

a. irritated

b. irritating

14. Listen to this song, don’t you think it is …? It

belongs to Claude Barzotti.

a. relaxed

b. relaxing

15. My parents have always been … with my results at


a. satisfied

b. satisfying

16. The girl was … when her brother tore away the head

of her favourite doll.

a. shocked

b. shocking

17. I am … you managed to come, you said you were

busy when I called.

a. surprised

b. surprising

18. It is … to see how many people are killed in car

accidents every day.

a. terrified

b. terrifying

19. You must be … , Joanna, have you ever met a VIP


a. thrilled

b. thrilling

20. I had a very … day last Monday, going shopping and

looking for the best wedding dress.

a. tired

b. tiring​


Answered by lakshaydabas504


परीक्षा -2 हिंदी

समय -1घंटा अंक -20 कक्षा -10

पाठ - पद परिचय

बालगोबिन भगत

1.निम्नलिखित अंश का पद परिचय दीजिए 1*10=10 अंक

क- रिया हंस रही हैं ।

हंस रही है-

ख श्री वर्मा ने हमें हिंदी पढ़ाया।

श्री वर्मा -

ग मोहन में उड़ता हुआ विमान देखा।

विमान -

घ हम आज रात को यहीं ठहरेंगे।

रात को -

च -मेरे पास चार कलमें हैं ।

चार -

छ - टीम का भव्य स्वागत किया गया।स्वागत -

ज-राम को बार-बार घर की याद आ रही है।

घर की -

झ - रवि छत पर था ।

रवि -

ट-तमिल बहुत प्राचीन भाषा है।

प्राचीन -

ठ-हमारे देश की नदियां पवित्र मानी जाती है।

नदियां -

2. प्रभातियां क्या है? 1

3. भगत अपने गीत के माध्यम से किस मुसाफिर को जगा रहे हैं और क्यों? 2

4. बाल गोविंद भगत की कोई दो दिनचर्या लोगों के अचरज का कारण क्यों थी ? 2

5. भगत के स्वभाव की दो विशेषताएं लिखिए 2

6.शब्दों के अर्थ लिखो 1


7.भगत ने परम्परा से हटकर कौन से दो कार्य किए ,लिखो। 1

8.बहू के आने से भगत दुनियादारी से किस तरह छुटकारा पा गए? 1

Answered by jaibardia1410






















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