Social Sciences, asked by mittalsaglani942695, 6 months ago

Read the following situation and identify the type of unemployment

a) Six members of Dinesh’s family are involved in the agriculture work. No

impact could be seen on the gross production even if two of them wouldn’t


b) Ramesh lives in village and remain unemployed for 3 to 4 months in a year.

c) Umesh has studied M.B.B.S. but till now has not got any job.

d) Write one demerit of unemployment.


Answered by pragyashekhar000

Answer + Explanation:

In question A) This is an example of disguised unemployment. Disguised unemployment means hidden employment suppose there are 8 members in a family they all doing labour on a field and their annual yield is 3000 kg and when 2 members are reduced then also their annual yield is 3000 kg. So, you can understand from this that whether they work or not no any change is occurred.

In question B) This is an example of seasonal employment. And this is a feature of village areas. Like suppose Ramesh is Landless labour and he goes to work everyday in a field of a rich landlord. For some period of time when there is no need to produce the landlord will tell him not to work for that period of time.

In question C) This is an example of educated unemployment. This is feature of urban areas because in cities there is a high competition for jobs and on the other hand there is scarcity of jobs. And Umesh who has studied want to become a asset for his country now became of liability because of less job opportunities. And this is also the wastage of manpower.

In question D) Demerits of unemployment are:-

1) Wastage of manpower

2) People became a liability from the economy.

3) Feeling of hopelessness and despair among youth.

4) Lead to a depressed economy

I have written the answers by my own and tried my best to explain.If you will like it a little bit then I will be grateful.And, if you will find any mistake then please inform me.

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