English, asked by hrito09, 3 months ago

Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces.

Nelson Mandela,(a)__(use an appositive),is an iconic leader. He won his name and fame (b)__(use present participle) Against white oppression. He was the worst victim of (c)__(pre modify the noun with an adjective) segregation. It was the (d)__(use noun adjective) policy to discriminate between the blacks and the whites. The blacks were subjected to all sorts of mental and (e)___(pre modify the noun) indignities. They were denied (f)__(use quantifier) basic human rights. They were treated (g)___(post modify the verb). The great leader avowed (h)____(use infinitive pharse).(i)___(use present participle) hardship of life, he liberated the black people from the shackles of apartheid. His great sacrifice ushered (j)___(use prepositional phrase). ​


Answered by premipreethi


this looks soo complecative will you do this

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