Read the following view section and develop a counter-view in about 120 words. Suggest a suitable title. (3) Does success in life mean money? a) Money is the most important thing in life. b) Money provides basic life requirement such as food, medicine, education. c) Money provides a decent life for individuals. d) Countries with rich economy are countries that are respected by all.
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Title: Money Isn't Everything
I agree that money is very important to get good food, education, treatment and other basic necessities of life, but it isn't everything. You can buy medicines from money, but not good health. If you could not buy health from money, rich people would have never died. You can buy good education with money, but you can't give good thoughts to your child with it. Rich economies are respected by all, but may be due to threat and fear. So, success if not defined by how much money you have in your bank account.
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