English, asked by sony6188, 1 year ago

Read the given passage (on page 69 of the text book):
Question 1.
What is the narrator pained to see?
वर्णन करने वाले को क्या देखकर दर्द होता है?
Question 2.
What does the author think when he sees a little girl led about by some other girls ?
लेखक क्या सोचता है जब वह कुछ लड़कियों को एक छोटी सी लड़की को रास्ता दिखाते देखता है?
Question 3.
What are the writer’s feelings when he sees a little girl with a crutch?
लेखक कैसा महसूस करता है जब वह एक छोटी सी लड़की को एक बैसाखी लिये देखता है?
Question 4.
Why do the children at Miss Beam’s school actually behave like a handicapped person?
मिस बीम के स्कूल में बच्चे अपाहिजों की तरह वास्तविक व्यवहार क्यों करते हैं?
Question 5.
How is the method educative to both, the blind and the helpers ?
यह तरीका अंधों तथा सहायकों, दोनों के लिये कैसे शिक्षाप्रद है?


Answered by agamjot180
From which book we have to look on page 69??
Answered by bestanswers

The correct answers to these questions are:


1. The narrator is pained to see that the children are not active and healthy

2. The writer assumes that the girl must be suffering from some eye problem

3. The writer feels sad for her, that she is not able to play just like other girls are playing

4. Because she wanted the children to experience the pain and apathy of the handicapped people

5. This method is useful to give a divine feeling of helping someone. And the children playing the role of handicapped people can understand their pain

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