English, asked by chandnigoyal, 5 months ago

Read the given passage : Smiles are good
for your health. Studies in the USA have
shown that when you smile your heart
rate slows down your blood pressure
goes down and the body begins to relax
This happens whether you are feeling
happy or not in fact If you are feeling
unhappy the simple act of smiling is the
first step of feeling better. Smile makes
you attractive .According to American
dentists ,Melvin and hilane denholtz an
attractive smile should show most of the
upper teeth ,at least two third of the
length just the tips of the lower teeth.
Ima malcmile two things.

what is a characteristic of a good smile.​


Answered by pangenisushant20

What makes a smile beautiful?

Beautiful smiles are healthy, symmetrical, and strong. Smile design employs objective principles to evaluate what makes a smile breathtaking and what makes a smile ho-hum. We’ve put together a list of the most important characteristics of a beautiful smile, and what we can do to enhance these.

Characteristics of a beautiful smile

1. Straight teeth without spacing or crowding

Yes, straight teeth are aesthetically prettier. But the overall health benefits of straight teeth are even more important.

Straight teeth allow for more effective brushing and are easier to floss—significantly improving your overall oral health and reducing the likelih

Answered by jagirdaaraisha

The heart rate slows down the blood pressure and the body begins to relax


hope this helpful to u

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