English, asked by aniket30092005, 9 months ago

Read the instructions and write the process of making tea (Boil two cups of water in a vessel-add two spoons of tea leaves to it-remove the vessel from the fire and cover with a lid - keep it aside for a minute or two - strain the brew into a cup - add milk and sugar to taste - stir the contents thoroughly - the tea is ready)​


Answered by iranikhatun110


you. Boil two cups of water in a


Add two teaspoon

s of tea leaves to it.

Remove the vessel from the fire and cover

with a lid. Keep it aside for a minute or two.

Strain the brew into a

cup. Add milk and

sugar to taste. Stir the

contents thoroughly.

The tea is ready.

Two cups of water (a)___________in a vessel. Once the water boils, two teaspoons of

tea leaves (b)_____________

to it. The vessel (c)_____ from the fire and (d)_______________

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• with a lid and e)__________^^ for two minutes.

The brew (f) into___________

a cup, milk and sugar (g) ___________

tea is now ready to be drunk.

to taste and the contents (h)______ The tea is now ready to drunk

Answered by amritamohanty918

BOIL some milk as per your taste

then add some tea powder to it

Sugars per taste

Teapowder into it

then tea is ready

please follow me permanently and take 10 thanks in return

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