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Restructuring a new modes of education may open doors for more equitable quality education for all. The prevailing concerns may give rise to new initiatives by education stakeholders to transform classroom practices and create academic ambience for both teachers and students. The new normal will hopefully drive educational authorities to design a sustainable framework for a need-based curriculum and provide a repertoire of learning modules keeping in view the new dimensions in the education sector.
In the new normal, teachers should transform how they teach online, especially since online tools and resources present lots of affordances that teachers and students can take advantage of. They need to design effective synchronous and asynchronous learning activities that enable sustained engagement, self-regulation, voice and choice in students.
Blended learning is also known as the new normal in the education sector today. This may be described as an instructional approach that integrates traditional classroom methods of face-to-face interaction and online digital methods. In some developed countries, blended learning has already become an established educational modality to cope with the impact of the pandemic. Blended learning requires an amount of traditional classroom modality. Considering the social distance group work approach, peer instruction might be modified or reduced. There can be the use of methods that require less movement and physical contact. Direct instruction methods may keep the students less active.
It is interesting that during the pandemic parents became teachers and started understanding the online learning activities that educational institutions created for their wards - a new setup for which parents were not at all ready. In the new normal there should be a stronger home and school partnership.
Indeed, the pandemic has taught skills of flexibility, adaptability and empathy to face any eventually. These are invaluable skills. Giving out students opportunities to practice and develop these skills is one way of preparing them for life beyond the virtual walls of classroom Teaching them to empathise with others can make the the new normal more bearable. In the new normal the right to high quality education may always be upheld by providing multiple pathways to learning.
oww perfect goodluck girl