Read the instructions first and answer tennetiraj86 will answer this.
1)What I discovered about bias is given in the text about drinking soda and not drinking tea.
The author gave the full clarity about the beverages which one is good for our health and which one is not .
It is completely bias about drinking soda.It is delicious and mostly liked by moms .
The advantages of soda is given with bias about on drinking soda.
2)What I don't like bias is :
I don't like the concept which has been given by the author is fully conveyed about drinking soda it is biased towards the drinking soda and against the drinking tea.
3)What I have to do know if a written text biased is to:
First I have to know the merits and demerits of the concept and giving the information in a simple way to understand the subject easily.
4)What I should do to avoid the bias in my community:
First of all giving clear idea about the text. and given positives and negatives of the given data.
How it is good or bad is giving in usefull method to understand easily .