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Step-by-step explanation:
The 5 components of Physical fittness are
1.Cardiovascular Endurance
3.Muscular Endurance
4.Muscular Strength
5.Body composition
1) Cardiovascular Endurance :-
It is a Health related fitness component.
It shows how efficiently our cardiorespiratory system functions.
It is an indicator of our physical fitness and health fitness.
It is the level at which our heart, lungs, and muscles work together when we are exercising for an extended period of time.
2) Flexibility:-
It is an important component of physical fitness. It has so many positive effects on the body.
It improves mobility.
It improves posture, muscle coordination.
It reduces the risk of injuries and muscle soreness. It even leads total body shape.
3)Muscular Endurance:-
It is a Health related fitness component.
Muscle endurance is important for daily life .
It is an important for tasks such as walking and carrying items.
It is the muscles ability to perform repetitive motions lengthening without getting tired.
4) Muscular Strength:-
It is the component of Health related fittness .
It shows the physical strength of our body .
It is best developed by using heavier weights.
5)Body Composition:-
This HRF components tells the proportionality of fat and non fat mass in our body.
Our body needs some fats through good diet foods.
Good body composition depends upon our nutrition food and exercises.