English, asked by lata67763, 1 year ago

read the novel "three men in a boat" and write about any two characters of the novel. please any expert can tell its right answer ​


Answered by Anonymous


Three young gentlemen, and I use that word, very loosely , are desperate to get away from the fast pace tensions, of every day, 19th Century, London life ( the horror !). And go someplace else, they should have stayed put, indeed. The men need a long rest, they're quite run down, but from what though ? The boys, don't actually work much, these hypochondriacs, I mean sick men, just want to have a little fun. J.(Jerome), thinks he has every illness, in the book, and he's read it too, except housemaid's knee. That J. doesn't have, worries him immensely, so leave the city or the end is near, thinks the almost wise man. The other members of this desperate, oddball trio, are J.'s friends, George and Harris , don't forget Montmorency . The liveliest of the group, he has four legs, is terribly short, with a small tail, angers easily, is always ready for a fight. Guarding everyone, this brave young man ( not technically), he's really a fox-terrier. After a considerable discussion, a leisurely boat trip (of two weeks), up the Thames River, sounds delightful, only smart Montmorency , objects. But is outvoted 3 to 1, being a team player, the irritated dog, sorry Montmorency, decides to join the others. They will row and tow and go, nothing can be a better vacation? Packing and unpacking, causes a little difficulty, J, the best at this kind of exercise. And proud of his talents, does the honors. While Harris and George, lazily look on, comfortably sitting on their big posteriors, supervising, both sleepily say. They are hard working men no doubt ...The two proclaim, numerous times ... Poor J, someone is invariably losing an article, so he opens the bag and searches, again and again, the humongous thing. I'm afraid the boys got carries away, and putting just a little too much in ... At last the trio...the four, are on the river. Slowly rowing up, their boat struggling against the dangerous current, disaster looms everywhere, but now, a miracle happens, muscles soon develop, they become, strong, hardy, brave gentlemen , getting fresh air, and healthy again ... Two row, one steers ( Montmorency must be the captain), guess which job, the boys like the most. Harris has a slight accident, a tumble in the vessel, legs up in the air , yet being such a great sailor, stays on board. The picturesque view, of the ever changing stream, is worth all the trouble ... Small, lovely villages, that seem quaint, from another era, still , I wouldn't drink the water there. Looking ... on the calm, brownish river, the red sunset, the yellow light, shining on the waters, purple sky above, as the dark night closes in, and bright stars appearing ... Roughing it on shore, sleeping in their boat, with a cozy cover over them, just as good as a bed, camping out, how grand ... And exceptional entertainment, too, a friend's Banjo playing ... doing his best. The singing, by all, rather splendid...almost, taking a freezing dip, in the inviting river, before breakfast, trying to open a can, of delicious pineapples, unsuccessfully... and seeing how far, you could throw it across the Thames ( WHAT SPORT). On the river, in the boat, as the cold rains come pouring down, drenched together, dodging the big steamers and receiving many curses, almost killed, yes, the fun of it. Luckily, Montmorency is there too ... A gentle, charming, satire on the English way of life that is no more...very entertaining, for people who enjoy people and all their peculiarities.

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