English, asked by 919337718381, 2 months ago

Read the passage a write the answer of the question:

Acomputer virus is a small program that has been written to copy itself to the computer Flechenever the infected file is used it automatindy destroys data and also affects there's programs in the computers store medium such as CDs and pen dair. Generally a computer virus attach itself to computer progreams and became port of them. it on relor itself in the computers hemero gets activated auto satically. copies the virtus instrudions into all othen programs that one run on that computer at the same time. This process of spreading within + the system and the files is known as infecting ". 1. what is computere virus


Answered by abhaysingh6201592398


computer virus is a small program that has been written to copy itself to the computer. This virus attach itself to computer programme and became port of them.

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