English, asked by vedu81, 1 day ago

Read the passage and answer the following-

1. The journey looks difficult and lonesome, the goal is very far away; what do we do? Anything and everything

may look difficult at times, but you should never lose confidence in yourself and feel that you have no motivation

and drive. As long as you are confident of your own abilities to achieve what you wish in life, I do not think that

you will ever feel lonely.

2. We are constantly under the sway of our mind, performing and desiring according to our dislikes, but we

should realise that our likes and dislikes are not the final destination. Sometimes we may have to go against our

likes and dislikes as part of Viveka, the ability to discriminate between what is just, proper and correct and what

is wrong. With Viveka and confidence, that tiny spark will eventually become a torch.

3. There is a song: ‘When the day is dark and dreary and the way is hard to find, don’t let your heart be weary,

just keep this thought in mind: It is better to light on little candle than to stumble in the dark; it is better to light a

little candle, all you need is a tiny spark.’

4. When we are confronted by darkness, we get nervous and tense, not realising that the spark can be produced

by many methods. We can use a lighter, match, flint, wood, anything, because everything which surrounds us in

this universe has the power to assist us in our evolution. Every circumstance, even if difficult, helps you grow.

Have confidence.

5. Can yoga change your destiny? Yes, it can. First, know what your destiny is what we mean by destiny. If we

know ourselves, our mind, personality, behaviour, actions and reactions; if we direct our actions and transform

our negative tendenciesinto positive ones with a clear mind, inner tranquillity and inner vitality; if we go beyond

the normal frame of mind, emotions and behaviour and develop a better perspective, then we can definitely direct

our own lives and thus change our destiny.

6. There are two paths: one is the path of ignorance; the other is of knowledge. Usually human beings live in the

area of ignorance, a lack of total knowledge. We may be sharp intellectually, we do not really know anything

about ourselves. One can be scientist, great mathematician or philosopher, but when it comes to human

personality there is lack of understanding. We do not know what we think, what we believe, what we experience

or how to understand these experiences, and we do not know what to rationalise and what not to rationalise.

There are so many things which we can and cannot understand.

7. When we walk on the path of knowledge, our awareness and consciousness bloom. We see everything clearly

with a perspective. It is like sitting in a room in total darkness and looking around, and then sitting in a room

filled with bright light and looking around. There are two viewpoints here. When we are in bright room, we can

see every detail; when we are in dark room, we cannot see much.

8. Through the growth of awareness, development of consciousness, and awakening of our inner faculties, we

can reconstruct our life and personality.

On the basis of your reading the passage answer the following (any ten)- [1X10=10]

1. We may be depressed and disappointed, but we should:

(a) always be motivated (b)bright (c)both (a) and (b) (d)none

2. We are always under the control of our:

(a)body (b)mind (c)friends (d)relative

3. We should perform according to our:

(a) elder’s advise (b)wishes (c)likes (d)viveka

4. Which of these pave(s) the path to success?

(a)viveka (b)confidence (c)both (a) and (b) (d)none

5. The passage is about the importance of our:

(a) confidence (b)destiny (c)likes (d)desires

6. We can direct our lives and change our destiny, provided:

(a)we must know our personality.

(b)we must transform our negative tendencies into positive frames of mind.

(c)we must go beyond the normal frame of mind, emotions and behaviour.

(d)all of these

7. Even the intellectually sharp and brilliant people are unaware of their:

(a)total knowledge (b)intellectuals (c)ignorance (d)personality

8. When we walk on the path of knowledge:
(a)our awareness develops (b)our consciousness develops

(c)we see everything with a new perspective (d)all of these

9. In paragraph 7, the synonym of ‘flourish’ is .

(a)bloom (b)bright (c)perspective (d)awareness

10. The most appropriate antonym of the word ‘knowledge’ in paragraph 6 is .

(a)ignorance (b)intellectuality (c)brilliant (d)great

11. In paragraph 5, the synonym of ‘change’ is .

(a)overhaul (b)turn (c)transform (d)transferred

12. The most appropriate antonym of the word ‘bright’ in paragraph 3 is .

a)dreary (b)dark (c)hard (d)weary​


Answered by dishaa865455







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