English, asked by honeypanchal5566, 5 months ago

*Read the passage and answer the following : (comphention)

[When Dr. Chavda came, Bipin Babu said, “ I’m fine. It all came back as soon as I

got off the train at Ranchi. “ The reason why I sent for you .” said Bipin Babu ,

“ is that I have a pain in the hip from a fall I had in Ranchi. If you could

prescribe a pain killer…”]

1. What is ‘ It ’ referred here by Bipin Babu ?

2. Who suggested Bipin Babu to visit Ranchi again ?

3. What is the little of the story ?

{take me a ans fast this is a comphention so.
read fast and 1,2,3, questions are send you this 1,2,3 question take me a answer
use your mind and take me a ans.}​


Answered by prashunkumar4166



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