English, asked by sharanyagodkhindi, 2 months ago

Read the passage and answer the questions given below.

As the warden, I had travelled across the park extensively but the elephant herds were nowhere to be seen.

Suddenly, a movement caught my eye. It was a huge, old male African antelope* – incredibly handsome, with majestic horns. There was something so attractive about him that I wanted to get a better glimpse. Unlike most antelopes, which run at the sight of a vehicle, this one stood peering around a bush at me for what seemed like ages.

I decided to take the chance and follow him.

Having now moved up the mountain slope, the antelope stepped out, stared at me and within seconds, he was gone. I mentally kicked myself for having chosen to follow him, wasting precious daylight time. I wondered why I had done it.

And then came my answer – there, in the soft golden light, far up the mountainside, stood about one hundred and twenty elephants, spread out and grazing.

I raced towards the herd to finally get a glimpse of the elephants we had been trying to spot for days. It was luck that had brought me here – had the old antelope not lured me off the main road, I would never have found the elephants.

I had known that there was something different about the old antelope the minute I saw him. That night, when I reflected on the day’s activities, I wondered if the mystical nature of the elephants that I love so much extends to all creatures.


Why do you think the old antelope did not run at the sight of the vehicle? State two possibilities.

Why did the warden ‘mentally kick himself’?

What did the warden find by following the antelope? What did the warden reflect about that night?


Answered by ayanfareed273

system of education in about 150-200 words.

(ii) please write these in a paragraph. In about 250-300 words.

How do I feel about this piece of work? What parts of it do I particularly like? Dislike? Why? What did/do you enjoy about this piece of work?

What is the most important thing that I particularly want people to notice when they look at my work

What does this piece reveal about me as a learner

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