READ the passage and answer the questions- “The rich, glossy colours, as well as its smooth texture, make it a highly valued fabric in most societies. Making of this cloth is a complicated process. Raw product has to be extracted from the worms spun into thread and then woven into cloth. Techniques of making this cloth was first invented in one ASIAN around 7000 years ago. While the techniques remained a closely guarded secret for thousands of years,some people from this country who went to distant lands on foot, horseback, and on , camels, carried this cloth with them.” ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS:- A) Name the Cloth about which this paragraph is written. B) The people from this country who went to distant lands on foot, horseback, and on , camels, carried this cloth with them. They followed the path came to be known as _____________.
(a) Here the cloth, about which the paragraph is, is silk
(b) The people from this country, which is China, who went to distant lands on foot, horseback, and on, camels, carried this cloth with them. They followed the path came to be known as the silk route
A) Silk
B) Silk route
A) Silk contains rich and shiny colors and it has a smooth texture which makes it a highly valued fabric in most societies. It is difficult to create silk. It has to be extracted from the cocoons of silk worms, spun into thread and then woven into cloth. Silk was first invented in China.
B) Some people from China went to distant lands on foot, horseback and on camels, carrying silk with them. The paths they followed came to be known as the silk route.